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Our Partners
As a school we are delighted to be recognised by Early Excellence as a Partner School for 2024/25, to host events and share good practice in our area.
Early Excellence are a highly regarded organisation that promote inspirational learning, offering School Improvement & Bespoke Consultancy as well as educational resource solutions focused on early primary EYFS & KS1.
Astra Teaching School Hub provides outstanding learning opportunities for all, through education, training and action research. They partner with over 60 schools and other organisations across Buckinghamshire and beyond and will be running training for Early Careers Teachers and National Professional Qualifications in the Innovation Centre at Elmhurst 2024 - 2025.
Astra Teaching School Hub supports Buckinghamshire schools with:
- Initial Teacher Training (ITT)
- Early Career Framework (ECT) training for ECTs and Mentors
- Appropriate Body (AB) services for ECT Induction
- National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)
Click here for more information about Astra Teaching School Hub.
Eduthing are a forward thinking, proactive and flexible company that provides managed IT services for schools, academies and multi academy trusts in the primary, secondary, special and independent sector.