School Logo

Elmhurst School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust

Forest School

“Nature breeds curiosity; it helps to grow explorers rather than robots. It reminds us that we are part of something bigger. It grounds us, calms us.” Ben Palmer-Fry


We want our pupils to aspire to be risk-takers and adventurers. We take a holistic approach to children’s learning, promoting a growth mindset and nurturing children's sense of self-worth, community and connection with others by developing a thoughtful understanding of themselves and of the world we live in.


Our Forest School sessions provide children with a range of creative and challenging outdoor experiences to build confidence, practice teamwork and develop resilience. We foster in children an interest in the natural world and encourage them to take responsibility for caring for the environment.


“…evidence shows that giving children the opportunity to discover, learn about and experience the natural world is hugely important - it can help create a sense of belonging rooted in their local environment, enhancing their health, wellbeing and educational outcomes. For example, greater amounts of natural space in or around living or learning environments is associated with higher levels of physical activity, better emotional, behavioural and cognitive outcomes and with children developing a greater sense of connectedness to nature.” Transforming Outdoor Learning In Schools, Lessons from The Natural Connections Project


Forest School Handbook

Forest School Summer Club

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What parents and pupils say:

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Frequently Asked Questions

When do the sessions take place?

  • Sessions take place during the school day.


What happens if it rains?

  • Sessions will still take place - that's part of the fun! Activities will be tailored to the weather - for example building rain proof shelters.


Does my child need a change of clothes?

  • Preferably yes - because we do get muddy. Wellington boots are ideal for inclement weather conditions.


Page last updated: 22/02/23
